There are many reasons why I want all the products that I buy to do more for me than just to function well. This is based on everything I buy from clothes, to technology even to food. I have decided to choose my I Pod Nano as my favourite designed object that I own, I chose this based upon the amount of time I spend using the product, and also because it is one of the most valuable items that I own.
The IPod Nano I own was the first version of the Nano to be released; This version of the IPod had reduced dramatically in size from its predecessor which was the main selling point of the product. As you can see by the photos below, the mp3 player is extremely small and slim which makes the product more attractive and convenient and also includes all the required features including many more.
I wanted the IPod to do more for me at the time of purchase, rather than just to function well. I wanted people to see that I had the new Ipod to basically impress, I wanted the attention from people to eventually gain a higher social status. This can be considered more clearly when buying clothing, most people want to buy clothes that will make their appearance better, whereas they are not considering the function. For example, winter coats often look very stylish to wear but do not keep you warm during colder weather.
However I also wanted people to think that I could easily afford the Ipod, when I couldn’t so that they may think better of me. These are very vain reasons but are true with most people. I bought the Ipod at an age when I didn’t have a job and didn’t realise the value of money
The Ipod is the upper class population of the MP3 player world, basically because they are the most expensive products but also hold the most modern features on the market, these include games, clocks, and a stopwatch. These features are just add ons to the actual function of the Ipod which is to listen to MP3 tracks., therefore the Ipod is basically a fashion accessory, when compared to MP3 players that solely fit the purpose. The slim design allows the ipod to fit in any sized pocket and is not a noticeable weight.
I was wiling to pay a lot more money for the Ipod nano at the time of purchase because I had already tried other ways of listening to MP3 music. I had started off with a small MP3 player that cost around £40, it only had a small memory which I found to become a major disadvantage. I then moved on to a mini disc player. This allowed me to record as many discs as I wanted, however I found the recording process too slow. I then moved on to the first Ipod that came out on to the market, this was enormous in actual size and was a pain to carry around.
Therefore having all these different experiences with digital music players I decided that it would be more worth while to spend a lot more money on a small compact, reliable Ipod with a large memory.
Therefore personally I decided to pay extra for the Ipod with the more appealing aspects because of the bad experiences that I had with the previous MP3 players I had used in the past. I feel the need to spend more money on technology with appealing aspects is down to pressure. This pressure comes from all around, during television adverts, radio adverts, on posters and bill boards and even from friends and family. We all want to have the up to date technology because we don’t ever want to fall into the past and not be able to keep up in the future.
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