
Artefact Five

To improve upon the fourth artefact I have decided to open it up slightly more. By this I mean not only focusing on social skills improvements but also academic improvements. The concept i have come up with is this...

asically it is an application to improve children's qualities both academically and socially in and out of school time. This idea includes input from teacher pupil and parent.
The parent sets a target of improvement (say 70% improvement required in reading skills)
the teacher increases or decreases improvement relative to students progress as a percentage once a term
the child can log into a page to see their percentage of improvement and their target percentage
once the pupil reaches the percentage required they can receive some sort of reward off their parent (set privately at home)
the teacher and parent can encourage improvement with the incentive of a reward
The areas the child is struggling with, they will be notified on their page with links to software which will help them improve and boost their score for the next term

This includes the three subject pupil teacher and parent. They can all work together to help improve all aspects of the children.

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