
Non Web Design Practitioner 2

My second choice of practitioner is the Photographer Dave Beckerman. The reason why I am interested in Beckerman’s work is because he specialises in New York black and white photography. I am fascinated by New York photography because it is unique to any other city across the world. All the buildings are built and look similar in fashion and the city is easily recognisable from any photograph or film. The reason why I find the prints so fascinating is because it is a life long ambition of mine to visit New York City, or maybe even work and live out there in the future, and the fact that I have never been shows a mysterious side and makes me more eager to go and explore.

The reason why I like Beckerman’s images so much is because they are all in Black and white, I feel that this makes the photographs look vintage even though they are extremely modern.

I feel that Black and White New York City photographs are more effective than colour photos because the city does not have too much colour anyway, the colours of the older buildings are very grey and dull colours therefore can sometimes spoil photographs; however the black and white shows the history of the building.

When I think of colour I immediately think of the yellow Taxi’s. I have seen prints of black and white New York photography with only the colour yellow for the taxi’s in the photograph. I feel that this is effective because it shows a bright colourful logo for the city.

Another reason why I like the work of Dave Beckerman is because he also has an interest in Paris, this is another unique city with identifiable buildings and unique people. I have visited Paris before therefore I am very fond of the images and I am defiantly fond of the city itself. Beckerman’s work relates to may on so many different levels however I feel that the main similarity is his interest in New York City, and Paris, because these are defiantly my two favourite Cities in the world.

Beckerman could inspire me as a web designer in many different ways; I could have a black and white rustic theme for one of my websites. His work also inspires me to go out and actually take photos for my websites. I have not always been interested in photography, and have often been lazy in taking photographical evidence for my work, however as my interest in the subject rises this inspires me to create my own photography, rather than the far easier method of finding other peoples images on the internet. I have to bear this in mind for when I loose my student status as everything will have to be my own when I start my career.

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