
Artefact 3

After artefact 2 i am a little stuck as to where to go. It seems that there is not a problem with learning technologies in primary schools. This is interesting for me because my research question has been dismissed!

My Question:
How can new technologies be used to enable new ways of thinking and working to enhance the learning in a primary school environment, when compared to traditional methods?

I was trying to prove that technologies were not helping children advance in learning however I have been proved wrong. My research document concluded that there where both good and bad traits for technological learning. I then asked Mrs White who believed that technology was helping the students, which was also the view of 90% of the teachers in the survey...

my results from the first artefact also show that during school time the children are not sat in front of a computer for any significant amount of time. 1-3 hours a week was the set standard, and therefore i do not believe that this is a significant enough amount of time to have any effect. I was expecting that children would be using computers 1-3 hours a day!

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