
Moving on to artefact 3

For my personal research project i am looking for the subject area where the problem is. This should be a specific problem and as i move through each artefact, this should get more specific until i can attempt a solution at the problem. As i have explained in the previous post, i was proved very early that the subject area was not too much of a problem.

However the most interesting pieces of information that was called to my attention from the previous artefacts, which was the socialisation of children. Mrs White had explained that she has seen a significant difference with the way children talk, play and write.

She explained that children were less social in the playground there is more fighting (play fighting) specifically between the young boys. They often used text messaging abbreviations in their writing such as, you/U and LOL for laugh out loud.and finally there is more references to gaming in their story writing, for example the settings could be a war/battle field, or one specific example was jumping on cloud to cloud and more references to Super Mario.

This then tells me that it is gaming that is having this effect on the children and not the learning. Therefore inn order to reach the specific problem i have got no other choice than to reword/change the original question!

the areas of interest, are no longer between the thinking and learning of children compared to traditional methods. It has shifted towards, socialisation, gaming and parenting.I will have a think about the re-worded question and post it on the blog at a later date.

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